Thank you so much for participating with us in the Awakening the Dreamer symposium and discussion! Please choose one or more ACTION steps below that you are willing to take to bring forth an environmentally sustainable, spiritually fulfilling and socially just human presence on this planet.
Support the adoption of Renewable Energy (Environmental Sustainability)
If you are a homeowner please allow our team to prepare a FREE solar design and energy savings report for your home!
Become an Ambassador to SHARE solar information with friends, family and colleagues! Ambassadors are generously rewarded with a $1,000 commission for helping establish new relationships with clients and projects.
Participate in the creation of an equitable Economic System (Social Justice)
Help create a more healthy, regenerative and socially just society by participating in the implementation of an equitable economic system that will support the redistribution of wealth and power on our planet. Enter your information here ( to learn more about this innovative social movement and receive your FREE SEEDS!
Create your own ACTION step and SHARE! (Spiritually fulfilling)
Write up your own ACTION step and SHARE it. Send us a message on our Facebook page and we will post it!
Thank you for your love & care for the planet!
Send us an email with any questions (